Ed. Clinton High School, Business College in Clinton and Los Angeles. prev. m. 1924 Florence A. [Paton] (divorced 1933) Fined $1,000 and jailed for 3 months in 1925, along with his father E.W. Voelpel, a "wealthy Clinton manufacturer of soft drinks" (who got 1 year), for "illegal transportation and possession of intoxicating liquor." "He is a friend of Col. Lindbergh." About the same time that Roscoe Turner had Gilmore the lion cub in his cockpit, in 1931 Lyman had 'Simba', a mountain lion cub. "In three months I'll have to confine Zimba in a cage", he said, "He's growing too fast, and you can't always trust a mountain lion." Religion: "Confuscious" prev. an automobile mechanic and salesman; "airplane mechanic by actual experience in 15 years. Trained in barnstorming all over the US. 7 months with China National Air Force." prev. exp. 2,800hrs In Hankow, China in 1938, with his "first gunner, a Chinese youth trained to handle machine guns and protect the giant Chinese bombing ships in combat" behind him. (The Courier, Waterloo) Address in 1940: 714 Park, Independence, MO Travelled to the UK on SS Antonia, (27 Aug - 6 Sep 1940) with fellow pilots - Jay Herald Cordner; - John McDonald (M.92); - Hubert Timmermans; - Walter Trimble (M.112) and - Barrs Whilden. Postings: 1FPP, 2FPP. Seconded to AtFero. m. 1944 Georgia [Wilson] Resident in Escondido, CA in 1973 d 1984 - Los Angeles |