Austrian Pilots

  • Karpeles-Schenker, Stephan

     M.250  First Officer Stephan Karpeles-Schenker 
    flag austria  b. 18 Jan 1901, Vienna Austria 15 Feb 1941 to Nov-45 

     ata stephan karpeles schenker 1938 1938

     ata stephan karpeles schenker BG    

     Vice President, International Federation of Forwarding Organisations in 1929

    Arrived in the UK from France in Jun 1938, and immediately sold his D.H. Hornet Moth OE-DKS in London

    Director of Rosenberg Loewe & Co, shipping and forwarding agents, Aug-38 to May-40

    He was interned on the Isle of Man under the 'Defence of the Realm Act' from 15 Jul 1940 to 12 Dec 1940. His release was facilitated by Leslie Runciman, Margie Fairweather's brother and MD of BOAC at the time.

    Address in 1941: 64 Queensborough Terrace, London W2

    "A loyal and likeable officer. Efficient, hardworking and reliable."

     ata karpeles schenker steynor

    with Martyn Steynor in a 'taxi' Anson (ELC)

    m. Margit V Rupp in 1949 in London (d. 1978)

    d. 30 Dec 1990 - London SW1

     Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file):download grey


    Listen to an interview with Stephan here:


  ATA Organisation


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  • EFTS / IFTS - Elementary / Initial Flying Training School
  • AMF / Air Movements Flight (1942–45)
  • AFTS - Advanced Flying Training School (1942–45)


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