Father Nicholas George Ffrench Ed. Surbiton Grammar School. Cert. AIB (Banking) m. 1930 Esther [Jones], 1 son John b. 1935 prev. a Bank Cashier, then Home Guard private Jul-40 to Aug-41 Address in 1941: "Chelsey", Weston Green Rd, Thames Ditton Postings: 5FPP, 16FPP, RNAS Arbroath (Jun-Jul 1943), 1FPP, 9FPP, 2FPP, 7FPP, 3FPP He had a spectacular accident on 31 May 1943; his Hudson III "swung first to port and violently to starboard during take-off and just after leaving ground, port wing dropped. The aircraft cartwheeled and was destroyed." He was held to blame but, luckily, uninjured. "A well-behaved, smart and conscientious officer and a safe, average pilot. Had very little experience prior to joining ATA and is rather retiring and a trifle under-confident." "A keen and hard-working pilot. He has made good progress throughout" d. Apr 2003 - Surrey