M.348  Captain Charles Henry Tutt 
flag england  b. 18 Oct 1901, Catford, London  11 Mar 1941 to Feb-45 

ata charles tutt




prev. A Fishmonger - "C. Tutt & Sons" but a prominent pre-war racing pilot, owning:

- a 1929 D.H. Gipsy Moth, G-AAJW;

- a 1931 D.H. Gipsy Moth, G-ABPK;

- a 1932 Comper Swift, G-ABWE;

- a 1933 GAL ST.4 Monospar 2, G-ACEW.

exp. 850 hrs, 'mostly on light types'.

Cleared for Class 5 (4-engine) aircraft; "an excellent officer and a splendid example to his colleagues. A highly capable ferry pilot and one of the hardest workers in the pool. He has a modest and pleasant personality and his sense of discipline is of the highest order."

d.1992, Surrey

King's Cup in 1938

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