Father: Col. Ruby D Garrett Snr, [a lawyer, Kansas City Councilman and WWI veteran, d. 1968], Mother Alma M Ed. University of Kansas City m. 24 Dec 1940 Carolyn [Stockwell] in Jackson, MO In 1939, "Although he has been swimming one mile a day in a local pool, Ruby D. Garrett Jr., son of a Kansas City councilman, has thirty-one pounds to lose yet before the air corps will accept him as a Randolph Field recruit. In two months, he has lost thirty-seven pounds, and now weighs 211 pounds." "'I'll soon be getting down to bone" he said. Address in 1940: Flying Cadet Detachment at Randolph Field, TX, then Parks Air College, St. Clair. IL Postings: 6FPP
21 Nov 1941, he overshot his landing on the only (short) runway available; the brakes were inefficient on wet ground, and he hit a barbed wire fence at the end of the runway. After ATA, sailed back to the USA on 19 Dec 1941 with fellow ATA pilots W Hanks, F P Skillen, P Lowman, J R Holloway, G C Shreve, S C Neville, G R Heintz, and Franklyn Rule Mershon. A pilot for TWA from 1942. In 1969, "At the not particularly advanced age of 53, Ruby Garrett tired of seeing the world from 30,000 feet or so — Paris, Rome, London, Hong Kong, Saigon, etc. And so he began hauling things (including boats) at zero altitude, over highways to meet people. Ruby is a solidly built, balding, blue-eyed extrovert who has put in 27 years as a pilot with TWA, most recently as a captain on international flights. He presently is on medical leave from TWA and plans to retire next March." d. 22 Dec 1990 - Clinton, van Buren, AK [... and don't let anybody tell you that Ruby D Garrett was a woman ferry pilot!] |