Father: William Campbell Shaw (1875-1942), Mother Maud Ann [Hackett] (1869-1907) m. 31 Mar 1934 in New Zealand, Amelia Myrtle Irene Robertson (b. 11 Feb 1906 in Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, d. 26 Apr 2004)
In the 1939 Census, he is listed as an "Agricultural Engineer Service Work" and lives with wife Amelia and son Richard, in Spalding, Lincs. His entry adds "Civil Air Guard", and "Pilots Licence No 9166" but he didn't have a UK Royal Aero Club certificate; he must have learnt to fly in New Zealand.
In November 1939, "Richard le Norman Shaw, engineer, Gainsborough Cottage, Pinchbeck, in Pinchbeck Road. Spalding" was fined 15s. for a motoring offence.
Postings: 4FPP Class VI Pilot One of Richard's first 'Aircraft Collection Chits', dated 12 Oct 1941 - a Hurricane from Prestwick
3 accidents, none his fault: - 16 Oct 1942, shortly after take-off the hood of his Spitfire Vb BM189, which was wrongly assembled, became partially detached and broke away - 29 Nov 1942, in Blenheim V BB135, the "excessively bad state of the surface of the airfield" caused the undercarriage to collapse after a normal landing - 8 Aug 1944, in Hellcat I JV171, he was baulked on landing and on opening up the engine again it picked up for a short time and then failed. The aircraft was subsequently landed with the wheels down, off the runway, over-ran the airfield boundary and crashed into a bank. He was injured in this last accident, and spent some time in the RAF Sick Quarters at Prestwick. Commander d'Erlanger sent him a 'get well soon' letter on the 14th: His final, impressive tally of hours was:
- Single-engine: 432 hrs on 34 Types
- Twin-engine: 587.35hrs on 19 Types, and
- Multi-engine: 84 hrs on 56 Types
"Upon the termination of your services with Air Transport Auxiliary, I should like yo express appreciation of the manner in which you have carried out your duties since you first joined us in April 1941; I have no doubt that your recollection of these services for your Country will prove a source of great satisfaction to you."
Commodore G. D'Erlanger, Commanding Officer, ATA
In May 1947, Richard and Amelia moved to New Zealand with their 2 children Richard Norman (b. 9 May 1937, d. 5 Jan 1983) and Elizabeth A (b. Jan 1940). They lived at 44 Fortification Rd, Wellington, and then Hawke's Bay from c.1981
d. 30 Nov 1984 (aged 78)