M.64 * Captain   Herbert Castle Mason MBE

flag england

 b. 30 Jul 1895, London  12 Aug 1940 to 30 Nov 1945

 ata herbert mason bg BG  ata herbert mason 1946 1946    


Royal Navy and RFC in WWI

 Address in 1946: Waypost House, Whitstable, Kent

Postings: Air Movements Flight

Certificate of Commendation, 1941: "When calling in at Squire's Gate on a delivery trip in March 1941, Flt-Capt Mason discovered at least 20 machines in various stages of unserviceability. On reporting this to HQ ATA he was instructed to go to Squire's Gate, make a thorough inspection and fly and dispose of aircraft as and when they became serviceable. Flt-Capt Mason found a total of 41 aircraft unserviceable at Squire's Gate and between 6th March and 16th April he succeeded in moving all these, with the exception of two. Being unable to obtain any co-operation from the RAF there in getting these machines repaired and ready for flight, Flt-Capt Mason had first to underake any work on them himself before he could fly the aircraft away. His energy and knowledge of airframes and engines were undoubtedly responsible for saving many valuable aircraft."


d. Sep 1974, Canterbury, Kent

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