Father: George Dennis Jacques (French national), mother Neva Ella [Willis] (American) Ed. Drew's, California University, Boeing School of Aeronautics prev. California National Guard, 1931-33; United Airlines, Pilot and Operations. Here is a glimpse of him in June 1940, 4th from the right, when he was co-pilot for a one day state-wide tour of Oregon to celebrate the Salem Centennial: m. 1940 Marian Ruth [Steffa], 2 children inc Douglas Brian b. Jun 1941 Address in 1940: 237 Castillian Way, San Mateo, CA Sailed to Liverpool to join the ATA, arriving 11 Nov 1940, with fellow American pilots Howard Alsop, Donald Annibal, Francis Bender, Robert Gragg, Charles Smith, Malcolm Stewart and Roy Wimmer. Postings: 1FPP Transferred to RAF Ferry Command m. 1953 Patricia J Paulbach In 1960, Chief Pilot for Atchison Clements, Inc. of Wichita. "He has flown 120 different types of planes for 18,000 hrs since 1928." "As an RAF pilot in 1940, he flew such VIPs as British Ambassador Lord Halifax and Air Marshall Billy Bishop of Canada." d. Dec 1980 - Boise ID |