M.235  First Officer Constant Penn Wilson III 

flag usa

  b. 23 Aug 1915, Fort Smith, Arkansas 26 Sep 1940 to 25 Sep 1941 

 ata constant penn wilson ATA  ata constant penn wilson 1963 1963    


Ed. Fort Smith High School and Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, OK

prev. a Commercial Pilot

prev. exp. 1500 hrs

Next of kin: (Aunt) Nillie Collin Wilson, RFD #1 Fort Smith, AK

Arrived in the UK on the 'Duchess of Atholl' 5 Oct 1940, with fellow pilots Roger Inman, Howard Mussey, Edward Vencill, Martin Wetzel and William Cummings.

Postings: 4FPP, 3FPP

Off sick with (ahem) Venereal Disease from 11 Oct 1940 to 5 Jan 1941, which meant that he didn't start his training until 8 Jan 1941.

One accident, not his fault:

- 15 Mar 1941, forced landing in a Hurricane after engine failure.

His initial flight test (at Uplands Airport in Ottowa) rated his flying as generally very good, but described him as "an unpreposessing type."

His C.O. at 4FPP also rated him a "good pilot."

Joined the Atlantic Ferry Service in WWII - see his colour photographs taken at the time

 m. 1945 Joan Evan [Peterson] and moved to Texas. This is his temporary visa to visit Brazil in 1963:

ata constant penn wilson visa

d. 2 Oct 1997, Houston TX

 Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file):download grey


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