M.229  First Officer Irving Gustave Nelson 

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 b. 22 Sep 1911, Bridgeport CT. 27 Aug 1940 to 26 Aug 1941 



Next of Kin: (mother) Mrs Barbara Louise [Albrecht] Nelson, 2428 Main St., Stratford, CT.

Ed. High School, Stratford

m. Nina [Matzko], 1 daughter

Address in 1940: 146 Warwick Ave., Stratford, CT.

Arrived in England 6 Sep 1940

Postings: 2 FPP

"A good, useful pilot with a clean record. Somewhat dilatory apart from flying."

"Rather fussy about what he flew in the last month of his contract."

"Discipline and conduct off-duty good."

Transferred to AtFero

Sailed back to Montreal on 30 Aug 1941 with fellow pilots Hubert Timmermans, Gilbert Tobin, Clarence Goza and Lewis Hunter.

In August 1953, the Hartford Courant reported that the annual Tuna Tournament had been a wash out; "Irving G. Nelson of the Stratford entry was the only one who got a strike, and his was a shark." The following year, it was washed out again, this time by a hurricane; 22 of the 77 entries were sunk or disabled, including Irving's 'Tony B', which rammed into some pillars.

 ata irving nelson grave Union Cemetery, Stratford CT

d. 19 May 1955, Bridgeport, CT.

Former proprietor of Nelson's Restaurant in Startford; "Mr Nelson was employed for the last three years as a service representative for the Avco Corporation. He was a veteran of World War II, having served as a Royal Canadian Air Force ferry pilot. He joined the RCAF in August of 1940 and flew planes across the Atlantic to Britain. He was discharged with the rank of Captain."

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