Father: Col. George Alexander Malcolm DSO Ed. at "Public School" m. 1938 Margaret Peggy [Jones] prev. RAF Reserve 1928-33 (F/O); aircraft sales and manufacturing company.(M.L. Aviation) Adddress in 1940: Orchard Corner, Littlewick Green, Maidenhead Postings: 1FPP, White Waltham [as Station Commander] Early days at White Waltham, Anson taxi pilots - Ronnie Malcolm, Douglas Fairweather (M104), Jim Kempster and Harry Ellis (M139) Brief Glory "As a pilot he has always been safe and reliable."
"Thoroughly reliable, honest and diplomatic. Runs his station very well indeed." https://www.ancestry.co.uk/family-tree/person/tree/49406236/person/12982442343/gallery
Post-WWII, continued at White Waltham Airfield with the West London Aero Club. d. 20 Nov 1947