M.82 First Officer  William Russell Keith Silcock 

flag england

 b. 22 Apr 1909, Bedford Park, Chiswick  22 May 1940 to 13 Mar 1945 

  ata william silcock 1931 1931   ATAM    


Ed. at Stowe, and Cambridge

Next of Kin: (father) William Alfred Silcock

Distinguishing marks: Phalange of third finger of right hand missing.

prev. 'Catering' - his father was Managing Director of the Clarendon Hotel and Restaurant, Hammersmith Broadway.


- G-ABCT, a 1930 DH.60G Gipsy Moth;

- G-ACLW, a 1933 DH.85 Leopard Moth (which, re-registered AX862, was taken over by the ATA and was written off (damaged beyond repair) on 18 Mar 1945 when the undercarriage collapsed on landing at RAF Carnaby), and

- G-ADMX, a 1935 BA Swallow L25C Mk.2

Address in 1940: 5, Broadway, Hammersmith, London W6

 m.1942 Margery P [Sansom]

Postings: 1FPP

Off sick from 17 Dec 1941 to 3 Jan 1942 with acute tonsillitis, then 15 Oct to 19 Nov with hemorrhoids, then 17 May to 1 Jun 1944 after a flying accident.

"A sound and likable pilot, with an excellent record ... a splendid officer and one of the mainstays of the pool."

He was reprimanded in March 1944 for 'taxying without due care' (his Anson's port wing hit a stationary lorry).

His other 'at fault' accident happened in May 1944, when he and his Flight Engineer were taking off in a Lancaster. The Flight Engineer thought William told him to retract the undercarriage; unfortunately he was a bit premature, the aircraft sank towards the runway and William had to belly-land the aeroplane. They were both held equally to blame.

220px The Clarendon frontage mid 1980s Wikipedia

When his father died in 1953, William took over as Managing Director of the Clarendon Hotel. It became a famous music venue, but closed in 1989 and was demolished.

 d. Feb 1989 - Surrey 

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