M.208  First Officer Edwin Keatley Whittington 
 flag usa b. 18 Oct 1913, Charleston, Kanawha County, WV  25 Nov 1940 to  24 Nov 1941




Father: Owen Wiley Whittington; mother Ethel Parker [Thaxton]

Ed. High School, Charleston

pre. Circulation Dept Manager with the Charleston Gazette; pilot

prev. exp. 250 hrs

Address in 1940: Sissonville, Charleston, WV

Travelled from St. Johns to Liverpool on the SS 'Nova Scotia' with fellow pilots Omar William Crim, Kenneth Douglas, Kenneth Seeds, Robert Vinson and Edmund Jarrett.

 Postings: 2FPP

 "A very efficient and steady pilot. Inclined to be over cautious in regards to flying in English weather"


 m. 1942 in Dade, Florida, Orpha Velma [Schultz] (one daughter, Katheryn J, b. 1944)

d. 8 Apr 1951 when piloting a National Guard C-47, which crashed in bad weather 8 miles north of Charleston. He and 18 others were killed.


Cunningham Memorial Park, Saint Albans, Kanawha County, West Virginia


"The pilot of the ill-fated transport, Capt. Edwin Keatley Whittington, was considered probably the best "big ship" pilot in the entire squadron [the 167th Fighter Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard]. His co-pilot on this trip, Lt. H. B. Kesler, ranked next.

Capt. Whittington had an outstanding war record with the Air Transport Command and joined the 167th when it was formed in the spring of 1947. Before World War II he was a civilian flier and logged hundreds of hours in the air over the Charleston area.

He was a graduate of Dunbar High School and a former employe of The Charleston Gazette, where his wife, Mrs. Orpha Whittington, also worked at one time." - https://archive.wvculture.org/history/disasters/ngcrash03.html

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