M.740  2nd Officer Patrick Morgan Trevor-Williams 
 flag england b. 15 July 1920, East Preston, Sussex 20 May 1942 to 15 Jan 1943 




5ft 1.5in tall

mother: (and next-of-kin) Clara [Foster]

Ed. Bloxham School

Address in 1942: 'Berthorpe', Puttenham Heath Road, Guildford, Surrey

prev. staff engineer for S Smith , Bishops Cleeve; RAF Sep 1939- Aug 1940 (LAC, Pilot under training)

 Postings: 7FPP

Suspended for 1 day in Nov 1942 for Loss of Ferry Pilot Notes (he also lost his cap and badge, for which he had to pay two-thirds of the cost of a replacement).

"A good officer and a pilot who, despite his limited experience prior to ATA, shows good promise. He is keen and has a capacity for getting on with the job in a quietly efficient manner."

miles master

d. 15 Jan 1943; he "persisted too far in bad weather (fog)", flying Master III W8840, and crashed into New Barns Farm, Bottom House, 5 miles from Leek, Staffs. [Map Ref VK4576]

Buried Leek Cemetery [his mother requested that he be buried close to the accident site)

"5 Mar 1943

I visited Mrs Trevor-Williams and she informed me that the death of her son had not affected her financial position and in fact she was proposing to buy a cottage with the insurance money due to her. She has five grown-up children still living and in my opinion she is about sixty years of age [she was 62]. In conclusion, I am of the opinion that Mrs Trevor-Williams is not in any way entitled to receive assistance from the ATA Benevolent Fund."

 "5 Apr 1943

Thank you very much for the cheque for £2,422. I am truly sorry that Patrick's very happy time with the ATA ended with such tragic suddenness.

With Kind Regards, Clara Trevor Williams"

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