W.63  First Officer  Rosemary Lilian Fuller-Hall
 flag england  b. 25 Jun 1919, Hampton Middx   2 Dec-41 to Jan-44


rosemary fuller-hall 1939 

RAeC 1939


rosemary fuller-hall ata 



rosemary fuller-hall ata2 




-- Not in 'Forgotten Pilots' or 'Brief Glory' --

Daughter of Charles Fuller-Hall.

prev exp: 30hrs

5' 7", slight build, fair hair, blue eyes 

Got her RAeC certificate in 1939, became a stenographer (which I think is a sort of shorthand typist, but I could be wrong) for the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of Canada, and then was in the A.T.S. from September 1938 to February 1939.

She is mostly interesting for the number of accidents she had :-)

Here is the story of the ups ladder and downs snake of her ATA career :-

- 3 May 1942: Completed Class 1 Training.  ladderPromoted to 3rd Officer (from Cadet)

- 23 Aug 1942: Completed Class 2 Training. ladderPromoted to 2nd Officer

- 6 Dec 1942: snake Accident to Master I N8057 at Hullavington. "Whilst taxying, the a/c skidded off perimiter track into ditch due to the pilot taxying without sufficient care on muddy surface. Pilot IS held responsible."

 - 12 Dec 1942: snake Accident to Fairchild EV774 at Hamble. "A/C overshot on landing and collided with fence due to gross error of judgement on part of pilot. Pilot is held responsible."

- 18 Dec 1942: snakeDemoted to 3rd Offficer.

- 21 Dec 1942: Back to School. "A good average pilot whose flying is quite satisfactory. Her recent accidents have apparently little or no connection with her flying skill, but seem to be purely a question of carelessness. " [That's all right, then].

- 1 Feb 1943:  ladderPromoted to 2nd Officer (again).

- 15 Mar 1943: snakeAccident to Mustang I. "Tail wheel punctured & tyre fell off on take off. Pilot is not responsible for accident." [phew].

- 20 Apr 1943: Completed Class 3 Training. "A hard working pilot of average ability whose flying is quite sound but she must pay very particular attention to her airmanship."

- 30 Apr 1943:  snake Accident to Barracuda P9740. "After landing undercarriage retracted. Pilot selected U/C up instead of flaps. Pilot is to blame.

- 7 May 1943: snake Suspended 3 days with total loss of pay and warned that "another accident, for which she is held responsible, will mean termination of contract."

- 13 Aug 1943: ladderPromoted to 1st Officer. "A keen pilot and a well-behaved officer. Her accidents are entirely due to lack of concentration."

- 30 Sep 1943: Class 4 Training Completed. "Somewhat forgetful with cockpit drill which gives the impression of overconfidence. She should be given ample Class 4 ferrying before being considered for 4+. Average Ability."

In Dec 1943, she married Mr Peter Pennington-Legh and resigned from the ATA.

Total Hours ferrying: 459 hrs 15min.

She later moved to Australia, and died there in 1984.



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