née Morin, father Alexandre Ovide Morin Educated at the Institut Normal Catholique Adeline Desir, Paris m. Oct 1931 in Woking, Surrey, William Marcus Colby, b. 1903, a Stockbroker (partner in Walter, Walker & Co. from 1933) : They got their RAeC Certificates at the same time [and look, they had their photos taken in the same place!] Address in 1941: The Tile House, East Horsley, Surrey However, in 1941 she gave her next of kin as her sister, Mrs D. West, 666 Kensington Gardens, London W8. [William was in the RAF from December 1939 to August 1945] Postings: 5FPP She had one accident: 20 Nov 1941, at White Waltham, in Hart L7213 - "Unsuccessful forced landing after engine failure due to (1) incorrect cockpit drill prior to take-off and (2) failure to make quick survey of cockpit which would have revealed that main petrol cock was off." She was then off sick until the 2 Dec, returned briefly but then off sick again from the 9 Dec to the 17th. Contract Terminated 31 Dec 1941 d. 1995, Surrey [William d. 1991]