M.469 First Officer   John Burge Erickson

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  b. 26 Jul 1906, Oklahoma City, OK  9 Jun 1941 to May-42

 ata john erickson ATA



prev. an airplane mechanic from 1935, and a Flight Instructor at Oklahoma Air College

prev. exp. 3,500hrs

Address in 1941: 220 S Lake St, Ponca City, OK

m. to Dorothy Louise [Young], 1 child

Postings: AFTS, as Instructor

"A natural pilot" - ATA's Chief Instructor T.G.L. Gale said: "It was because I had the highest opinion of his character that I selected him for instructional duties ... his work has been excellent and highly successful and has deservedly earned him the praise of his superiors and the gratitude of his pupils."

blenheim hendon

d. 9 May 1942 (Died in ATA Service) in Blenheim I K7086. Shortly after takeoff the aircraft's tail was broken in a collision with another Blenheim (L8439, piloted by First Officer Richard S Pavey (M.445)) which had also just taken off, and it dived into the ground and caught fire.

Trainee Pilot Thomas Walton, a director of Burnley Aircraft Products Ltd, was also killed. F/O Pavey survived with a fractured shoulder, spinal injuries, shock and burns.

 ata john erickson funeral     

Buried at Maidenhead Cemetery - Sec. D. Row K.K. Grave 21.


His brother Glenn had sent him this photo of himself, wife Ruby and their child outside their house in California in April 1942:

glenn erickson and family 1942

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