M.450  Flight Captain Frederick Robert Davy 

flag england

 b. 30 May 1900, Great Yarmouth 13 May 1941 to 31 Dec 1945 

 ata frederick davy 1936 1936



Royal Flying Corps/RAF from Nov-17 to Jun-19; 'Boy and Aircraft Mechanic'

m. 1925 Adelaide [Holmes], 2 children [Robert, b. 1929, d.2002, Pamela b. 1931, d. 1936]

A jeweller and watchmaker (his own business: apparently, "The sign on Frederick Davy's shop in Great Yarmouth said "Watchmakers since 1700."), also an instrument maker for the Air Ministry.

He was a witness in a rather sad case in May 1937, as reported by the Thetford & Watton Times:

"FOUND HANGING. Yarmouth Man’s Suicide In His Home.

A verdict of "Suicide while temporarily of unsound mind” was recorded by the Borough Coroner, at the Town Hall on Tuesday, at the inquest on Edward Gilbert Edwards (53), of 8 Caister Road, who was found hanging from a bannister in his home on Saturday.

Frederick Robert Davy, watchmaker, of 37, Calster Road, said that at 1.40 a.m., in consequence of information he received, he went across to 8, Caister Road. 'When I got into the house', 'said witness, 'I saw the man hanging by the neck from a bannister rail; his feet were about ten or twelve feet from the ground floor. I could see that the man was dead and had been hanging for some time, and owing to this fact I telephoned the police.'"

Address in 1941: 8, Caspard Pl, Barry, Glamorgan

Postings: 16FPP, 15FPP, 14FPP, 4FPP, 1FPP

"A careful pilot of average ability, has sound judgement but was inclined to be underconfident at first" ... "Since promotion to Flight Captain [in September 1944] has assumed the position of Accidents Investigation Officer." 

Off sick from 17 Dec 1942 to 1 Jan 1943 with a 'touch of pleusiry [sic]'

King's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air

d. Mar 1979  - Norwich

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