Father: Eli Smith, Mother: Emily Bertha [True] Ed. Kale Green Council School, Stockport Moved to USA in 1925; Naturalized American 23 May 1933 m. 24 Jul 1926 in Glynn, GA, Georgia [True] (5 children) prev. pilot prev. exp. 2075 hrs "Mutilated thumb of right hand" Address in 1941: Butler Ave, St Simon's Island, Glynn, Georgia
Postings: 1FPP, 14FPP, 2FPP, Instructor (Montreal)
Off sick from 4 to 25 Mar 1941 with nasopharyngitis 2 accidents, both his fault: - 12 Jun 1941, Hurricane Z3388, details missing but no fault found - 18 Jun 1941, in Hurricane DG613, an "error of judgement"
"As one of the 'old-timers' this pilot has had a steadying influence on the junior instructors and has at all times proved both hard working and conscientious. An able and efficient instructor possessing a most likeable personality"
d. 13 Aug 1954 - Lake Harbor, Palm Beach, FL |