M.---  2nd Officer Ivan Christian Randrup 

flag england

flag denmark

 b. 9 Jan 1915, Whitley Bay, Northumberland 1 Nov 1940 to Jan-41 


ata ivan randrup 1936



ata ivan randrup




prev. Chief Pilot of AllFlights Ltd, Heston from Mar 1939 - Jan 1940, then Chairman of Directors.

Jan-Feb 1940 Temp 2nd Officer for BOAC (left for reasons of ill health)

prev exp. 484 hrs (owned D.H. Moth G-ABJZ)

He was 'known to have previously had considerable income from his late father's estate in Denmark'.

Instructor's report says "This pilot is enthusiastic and rather temperamental. He is full of ideas, many of which are incorrect and he will need constant supervision ... but his flying in Class I [single-engine] is very satisfactory".

d. 29 Jan 1941, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, in the RAF Ambulance at Edzell Camp, Kincardineshire, while being moved to the operating theatre.

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