M.249 First Officer  Philo Beveridge Pringle 

flag usa

  b. 24 Feb 1915, Los Angeles CA

4 Sep 1940 to 26 Apr 1941;

10 Jan 1942 to 26 Feb 1943, and

13 Sep 1944 to 30 Nov 1945


 ata philo pringle 1941 1941      

Ed. High School Diploma, Stanford University

prev. Aircraft Sales and Insurance

Address in 1940: 1357 N Vine St, Hollywood, CA. Later, Bel Air Bay Club, Pacific Palisades, CA

Postings: 1FPP, 14FPP, 3FPP, 6FPP

Off sick from 21 Mar to 26 Apr 1941 with a duodenal ulcer, then from 17 Dec 1942 to 21 Jan 1943 because he was 'Unhappy'.

2 accidents: 

- 2 Nov 1940, forced landing in a Hurricane after he got lost;

- 20 May 1942, forgot to lower the undercarriage of his Anson. Blamed due to 'poor cockpit drill.'

"A first-class officer and a sound pilot of good judgement, who is hard-working and most willing. He is a man of pleasant disposition and will be an excellent influence in the Unit [6 FPP]."

 On a visit home in 1941, Philo said "Those old World War stories about British officer aloofness and seeming snobbishness toward Americans and even their own colonials are unbelievable today. The British go out of their way to do things for men wearing an emblem showing they have volunteered from other countries."

"Everybody seems to have plenty of good, wholesome food, though fancy steaks are practically extinct. And fresh fruit comes mighty high, too. Once when I had delivered a ship to the Isle of Man the weather closed in and I had to put up overnight at a hotel where the landlady was frantic on account of a lemon. The good woman actually owned a lemon, and it was so valuable she was afraid it might be stolen, so she hid it carefully. Then she forgot where she had put it."

d. 30 Aug 1946 [Age 31]

The Sacramento Bee, 6 Nov 1948 - "The wreckage of a plane and the skeletons of four [later revealed as five] people have been found by a hunter in the mountains 40 miles southwest of Seligman, Arizona.

The plane may be the one reported missing more than 2 years ago on a flight from Los Angeles to St. Louis. The twin engined Cessna left August 30, 1946 with Arthur M. Freund, 66, a retired Missouri manufacturer; his wife, Hattie; his son, Stephen, 35; a male nurse, John Coles, and a pilot, Philo B. Pringle"

The plane had hit the northwest slope of 7,000-ft Mt. Hope, near the summit. The wreckage was identified by Philo's brother Larry and father Robert.

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