M.59 Flight Captain  John Bayly MBE 

flag england

 b. 23 Feb 1911, Leominster  29 Apr 1940 to Aug-45 

  ata john bayly 1935    ATAM    


Ed. Winchester, then BA from New College Oxford

prev. Coldstream Guards 2nd Lieut. 1929-31

a Timber Merchant

Address in 1940: Amberde House, Taunton

prev. exp. 540 hrs. Owned 2 aircraft:

- G-ACRD, a 1934 BA Swallow 2, and

- G-AEUX, a 1937 Miles Whitney Straight.

Postings: 1FPP, 2FPP, 6FPP, 7FPP, 9FPP (also seconded to AFTS, Air Ministry and RAE Farnborough)

"An excellent ferry pilot, an admirable officer and a charming person. If his reactions to a situation are not always conventional, they are always sound and sensible."

Feb-45: "His qualities are such that he has been appointed acting second-in-command of No. 9 Ferry Pool". 

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